Flux Capacitor


(Noun; Technology) A mysterious device that allows you to bend time and space at your will... or so they say!

Flux Capacitor: Two scientists were standing around their newly-invented flux capacitor as sparks flew from its core and strange noises filled the air - all while reality seemed to warp around them like ripples in water..


I heard if you drive a DeLorean up to 88mph with a flux capacitor installed it'll take you back in time - but only for two minutes!


What did the flux capacitor say when it was asked out on a date? "I'm sorry I can't go - I have some temporal displacement issues."


The flux capacitor was invented by an eccentric scientist who wanted to make sure his inventions would never be forgotten - hence why he named them after himself: Flux Capacitorius!


Time TravelDeLoreanBack to the Future88 mph1.21 Gigawatts


Pizza DeliveryRoller CoastersAstronomyGardeningMusic Theory