Artisanal Cheese Making


(Noun; Hobby) Artisanal cheese making: the perfect way to spend your time and money on something that will never get eaten!

Artisanal Cheese Making: A room full of people wearing lab coats and goggles gathered around a giant wheel of brie as sparks flew out from its center – this is what happens when science meets artisanal cheese making!


I'm an artisanal cheese maker - it's like being a regular cheese maker but with more of a hipster vibe!


What do you call an artisanal cheese made from moonlight? Lunar-tichese!


The art of artisanal cheese making was invented by ancient aliens who wanted to give humans something delicious to snack on while they studied hieroglyphics in their pyramids!


Dairy FarmingHome Cheese AgingAnimal HusbandryCheesemongeringFood Preservation


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