Yoko Ono


(Noun; Musician/Artist) Yoko Ono: the artist who broke up the world's most famous band with her avant-garde music and art projects.

In a surreal scene straight from a dreamscape - hundreds of people gathered around a single microphone singing along to an off-key rendition of 'Imagine' led by none other than Yoko Ono herself!


Yoko Ono is so out there that she makes outer space look like a suburb!


What did Yoko Ono say when she heard about the new moon landing? "That's one small step for man...one giant leap for my career!"


Legend has it that Yoko Ono was created in an ancient laboratory by scientists seeking to combine elements of discord and chaos into one perfect being!


John LennonThe BeatlesPlastic Ono BandPeace ActivismArt Installations


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