Drinking Games


(Drinking Games: A social activity involving the consumption of alcohol and a set of rules or guidelines.) Drinking games are an excuse to get drunk with your friends without having to admit it out loud!

Drinking Games: In one surreal scene at the bar last night everyone was playing a strange version of beer pong where they threw ping pong balls into each other's mouths instead of cups!


I'm not sure if this game is fun or just a way for us all to slowly poison ourselves...


We were playing drinking games until we realized that our drinks had been replaced by non-alcoholic beverages - so now we're just playing 'guessing games'.


The origin story of drinking games dates back centuries ago when ancient tribes would gather around campfires and take turns chugging mead from giant wooden mugs in order to prove their bravery and strength!


Beer PongFlip CupKings CupQuartersPower Hour


ScrabbleKaraokeSwimming Pool VolleyballJengaLaser Tag